Saturday, September 15, 2012

Relationship Reflection

This is my family!

My wife, Soo Young, and my son, Sung Yong.

They are the most important people in my life. My wife is the love of my life who I lean on in times of stress. She supports me without question, but challenges me to be a better man, husband and father. My son is the light of my life. I smile and laugh every day because of him. And I'd like to think he laughs and smiles every day because of me. He's the reason I am in the Master's program at Walden. In order to secure our future, I am undertaking this task.

The best part of my relationship with my wife is the way we communicate. Although my first language is English and hers is Korean, we have no problem (well, sometimes we have a little problem) with communication. We are always forthright with each other and even though sometimes we don't want to hear it, we always tell the truth. I think this is the way people should be with each other. Not blunt or offensive, but truthful. I think taking this outlook on all relationships will strengthen them. I will certainly never lie to a parent or a student and hopefully they will respect me for it.

Thanks for reading my blog.


  1. I enjoyed reading your blog, it offered very good insights about your view on relationships. I also have a 20 year old son and I want to be a role model in teaching him how to respect, love and treat others with kindness, yet understand that it’s okay to have different views/opinions. Family do play a hugh impact in your life and we should always love them for who they are.

  2. What a pleasure to read. And the beauty is that not only are you securing a future for your own family, your school endeavors, commitment, and dedication are also contributing to successful futures for the children and families you work with. I too appreciate sincerity, honesty, and respect, to me they are the foundations of positive relationships. A mother of two sons, ages 17 and 14, I can tell you that they will continue to be the light of your life, the reason you keep learning, and your most rewarding life experience.
