Saturday, June 23, 2012

감사합니다!! Thank you very much!!

The past 8 weeks have been great. Thanks to you guys, my first graduate level class has been fun and rewarding. I especially enjoyed reading your blogs and the great discussions we had on the class website.  I hope everyone will keep updating their blogs as I will frequent them often.

I will "see" everyone in our next class. Have a great weekend and good luck with all your future endeavors. Big shout out to our intrepid leader, Dr. Anthony Morgan. Thanks for all your help.



  1. Hello Jae,
    You created an interactive code of ethics sign that triggers similar associations and connections as with the popular recycle sign. This is a very effective way to communicate the interactions between practices, principles, and values. Fabulous!
    I have enjoyed responding to your questions that helped me consider my thoughts through a new pair of lenses and helped me realize that I need to be more explicit, e.g. Australian education versus United States education.
    Enjoy every moment with your family.
    Good luck in your next endeavor!

    1. Jae,

      I appreciate you so much because week after week you were one of my contant blogging partners. I agree with you that I am very excited about this journey and wish you the best as you continue your journey.

      I agree with Marie enjoy every moment with your family because they grow up very quickly!!

      Best Wishes!
