Saturday, May 26, 2012

Words of Inspiration and Motivation pt 2

“The principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done; men and women who are creative, inventive and discoverers, who can be critical and verify, and not accept, everything they are offered.” 
― Jean Piaget

“Intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do.” 
― Jean Piaget

“Play is the answer to how anything new comes about.” 
― Jean Piaget

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

Remarks on Project Head Start.
May 18, 1965

Mr. Shriver, ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests:
On this beautiful spring day it is good to be outside in the Rose Garden. Of course, the White House is a place where when you go outside you are still inside.
In that same vein, I would note that the Rose Garden is a garden without roses today, and the Fish Room is now a room without fish. But there is one compensation--open nearly any door here in the West Wing and you are liable to run into Sargent Shriver, and sometimes you will find him in more than one room at the same time.
This is a very proud occasion for him and for us today, because it was less than 3 months ago that we opened a new war front on poverty. We set out to make certain that poverty's children would not be forevermore poverty's captives. We called our program Project Head Start.
The program was conceived not so much as a Federal effort but really as a neighborhood effort, and the response we have received from the neighborhoods and the communities has been most stirring and the most enthusiastic of any peacetime program that I can remember.
Today we are able to announce that we will have open, and we believe operating this summer, coast-to-coast, some 2,000 child development centers serving as many as possibly a half million children.
This means that nearly half the preschool children of poverty will get a head start on their future. These children will receive preschool training to prepare them for regular school in September. They will get medical and dental attention that they badly need, and parents will receive counseling on improving the home environment.
This is a most remarkable accomplishment and it has been done in a very short time. It would not be possible except for the willing and the enthusiastic cooperation of Americans throughout the country.
I believe this response reflects a realistic and a wholesome awakening in America. It shows that we are recognizing that poverty perpetuates itself.
Five and six year old children are inheritors of poverty's curse and not its creators. Unless we act these children will pass it on to the next generation, like a family birthmark.
This program this year means that 30 million man-years--the combined life span of these youngsters--will be spent productively and rewardingly, rather than wasted in tax-supported institutions or in welfare-supported lethargy.
I believe that this is one of the most constructive, and one of the most sensible, and also one of the most exciting programs that this Nation has ever undertaken. I don't say that just because the most ardent and most active and most enthusiastic supporter of this program happens to be the honorary national chairman, Mrs. Johnson.
We have taken up the age-old challenge of poverty and we don't intend to lose generations of our children to this enemy of the human race.
This program, like so many others, will succeed in proportion as it is supported by voluntary assistance and understanding from all of our people. So we are going to need a million good neighbors--volunteers--who will give their time for a few hours each week caring for these children, helping in a hundred ways to draw out their potentials. We need housewives and coeds. We need teachers and doctors. We need men and women of all walks and all interests to lend their talents, their warmth, their hands, and their hearts.
The bread that is cast upon these waters will surely return many thousandfold.
What a sense of achievement, and what great pride, and how happy that will make all of us who love America feel about this undertaking.
Thank you.

Citation: Lyndon B. Johnson:"Remarks on Project Head Start.," May 18, 1965.Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley,The American Presidency Project.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Personal Childhood Web

                               Mom and Dad during my wedding!

To be honest, most of my childhood memories are really fuzzy.  I can't tell if they are memories or stories that I've heard over the years. But there are a few things that I remember. Here are the people that made the most impact in my life in my childhood.

Mom - My Mom did everything for me, especially she packed the pizza rolls for lunch. Pretty much that was all I needed to be a happy kid. Those pizza rolls were like an underground currency at my school. I could trade those pizza rolls for anything. Thanks, mom!

Dad - My dad worked so hard. I wanted to be just like him. I only saw him occasionally in the mornings and mostly on the weekends, but he was super cool. We always did an activity on the weekends, mostly went to the golf range to hit golf balls. But then I was more interested in chasing bugs than hitting golf balls.

Grandma - We lost Grandma last year, but she was the one who put in the most time with me when I was pre-K. She taught me Korean, and she hugged me when I needed it. Grandma was always there for me. I think even slept next her until I was in Kindergarten.

Chong, my big bro - Chong is my big brother by 4 years. He's the reason all his friends call me Cheech. I think he was the was one who directly influenced me the most. Everything he did I wanted to do. I was probably the first kid in 2nd grade to listen to Run DMC. I loved rap, mainly because he loved rap.

Aunt Erika - Aunt Erika came from Korea when I was about 4. She drove me to and fro daycare, preschool and Kindergarten. She was also the one that I could get to buy me things. HAHA.

These five people are integral parts of my life and still influence my life on a daily basis. My folks were really busy when I was a kid, but they made time for me and my bro. I want to make sure I make time for my son.

I wish I could post pictures but all my pictures are in LA and I'm in Korea.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Where the Wild Things are....

RIP Maurice Sendak

Mr. Sendak just passed away. What a genius.
I don't really remember why I like this book so much. Max, I guess, reminded me of me. Who doesn't want to be the monster that conquers all the other monsters!

Lil Lakers fan and his pops!

Here is a current picture of me and my new son enjoying the Lakers game! He's a fan just like his daddy!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Creating the next generation of innovators

I just read an interesting article on Forbes. I want my kids to be out of the box thinkers. We need out of the box educators!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Welcome to the Early Stages.

Hello, Welcome to my blog.  Throughout the upcoming weeks I will be blogging about ECC and other things that are on my mind.